No Recruiting Policy

No-Recruiting Policy for Real Estate Scripts Practice Platform


The Real Estate Scripts Practice platform is dedicated to enhancing the skills and confidence of real estate agents through consistent practice and constructive feedback. To maintain a professional and focused environment, we have established a No-Recruiting policy. This policy aims to ensure that all participants can concentrate on their development without the distraction or pressure of recruitment activities.

Policy Guidelines:

  1. Professional Focus:

    • All participants must focus on the primary goal of skill development and practice.
    • Discussions and activities should remain relevant to real estate scripts, scenarios, and related training.
  2. No Recruitment Activities:

    • Participants are prohibited from engaging in recruitment activities during practice sessions, on platform forums, or through any communication channels provided by the platform.
    • Recruitment activities include, but are not limited to:
      • Promoting or soliciting for another brokerage or real estate team.
      • Distributing recruitment materials or offers.
      • Discussing job openings or opportunities within another organization.
  3. Respect and Professionalism:

    • All interactions should be respectful and professional.
    • Participants should avoid discussions that could be perceived as recruitment or solicitation.
  4. Reporting Violations:

    • Any participant who feels that they are being recruited or solicited is encouraged to report the incident to the platform administrators.
    • Reports will be handled confidentially and promptly.
  5. Consequences of Violations:

    • Participants found to be engaging in recruitment activities will receive a warning for the first violation.
    • Repeat violations may result in suspension or permanent removal from the platform.
  6. Commitment to Improvement:

    • The platform is committed to creating a supportive and productive environment.
    • Feedback on this policy is welcome and will be considered for continuous improvement.


By participating in the Real Estate Scripts Practice platform, you agree to abide by this No-Recruiting policy. Your cooperation is essential to maintain the integrity and purpose of our practice sessions.