Recognizing Signs of a Seller in Need: Social Media and In-Person Clues

Recognizing Signs of a Seller in Need: Social Media and In-Person Clues

Discover how to identify potential home sellers through social media comments and set up Google Alerts for key phrases on Facebook, Craigslist, and Instagram, enabling you to engage quickly and provide valuable insights.

When considering whether someone might need to sell their home, paying attention to their comments on social media or in person can provide valuable insights. By being observant and engaging in conversations, you can offer your expertise and assistance at the right time. Here’s how you can identify and respond to these signs effectively.

Engaging with Potential Sellers on Social Media

Imagine this scenario: You notice a contact in one of your social media groups discussing home values and hinting at potentially selling their home. This is an excellent opportunity to engage them in a conversation subtly. The goal is to position yourself as a helpful resource for their potential home-selling needs.

Start the Conversation

First, you’ll want to engage with a comment that opens up the dialogue. For example, if you see someone posting, “Thinking about the current home values in our area… Anyone have insights on whether now is a good time to sell?” you might reply with:

“Hey [Contact’s Name], I saw your comment about home values in our area. It’s definitely a hot topic right now! With the market being so dynamic, have you considered getting a professional evaluation of your home’s worth?”

This approach acknowledges their interest and gently introduces the idea of professional assistance without being pushy.

Address Curiosity and Uncertainty

Often, potential sellers are curious but unsure about the process. They might respond with something like, “I’m curious but not sure how to go about it.” At this point, you can offer reassurance and provide valuable information:

“Totally understand! It can be a bit overwhelming. If you’re interested, I can prepare a free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) for your home. It’s a detailed report that looks at similar homes in our area and their recent sale prices. It can give you a solid idea of what your home might be worth. Would that be helpful?”

By offering a free, no-obligation CMA, you provide a helpful service while positioning yourself as a knowledgeable resource.

Overcome Reservations

Potential sellers might show interest but still have reservations, such as, “That sounds helpful, but I’m not ready to commit to anything right now.” Your response should acknowledge their concerns and emphasize the no-obligation nature of your offer:

“I get it; there’s a lot to consider. The CMA is no obligation and can really help you make an informed decision. Plus, I’m always here to answer any questions you might have about the process. How does that sound?”

This approach keeps the conversation open and addresses their hesitations directly.

Gather Necessary Information

If they agree to proceed, they’ll likely ask what information you need, such as, “Okay, I’d like to see the CMA. What information do you need from me?” You can then ask for specific details to prepare the report:

“Awesome! I’ll just need a few details like the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and any recent upgrades you’ve made. You can DM me the info whenever you’re ready, and I’ll get started on it right away. Excited to help you out!”

Discuss Market Conditions

When providing details, they might also inquire about current market conditions. You should provide a brief overview of the market trends and explain how it might be a good time to sell:

“Great, thanks for the details! As for the market, [insert current market trends here, such as ‘we’re seeing a strong seller’s market with high demand and low inventory’]. This means it could be a great time to sell if you’re looking to get a good return.

(Separate Message)

To get an accurate snapshot of what your home is worth, I’ll need to know the address or at least the general area surrounding your home. This ensures the CMA is precise and tailored to your location. I’ll have the CMA ready for you soon, and I can attach it to a DM if preferred. However, the best way to send it is via email.

(Separate Message)

What is the best email and phone number for you? My number is [your phone number]. Feel free to call or text me with any other questions in the meantime!”

Finalize the Contact Information

Finally, when they express interest and provide contact information, make sure to thank them and confirm the next steps:

“You’re welcome! I’ll be in touch soon with the CMA. Looking forward to helping you navigate this exciting time. Have a fantastic day!”

Key Takeaways

When you’re part of social media groups or conversations, be on the lookout for signs that someone might be considering selling their home. Their comments might indicate curiosity about home values, financial concerns, or life changes. By engaging thoughtfully and offering your expertise, you can position yourself as a valuable resource and build trust with potential sellers.

Examples of Comments to Watch For:

  • “We’re struggling to keep up with mortgage payments. Any advice on selling a house quickly?”
  • “Anyone have tips on selling a home when you need cash fast?”
  • “My spouse and I are getting divorced, and we need to sell our house. Has anyone been through this and can share their experience?”
  • “We’re moving for a new job opportunity and need to sell our home ASAP. What’s the best way to go about it?”

Strategy for Tracking Common Phrases to Identify Potential Sellers Using Google Alerts

Setting up Google Alerts for specific phrases can help you stay on top of potential seller opportunities in real-time. Here’s a step-by-step strategy to set up and use Google Alerts effectively:

Identify Common Phrases

Start by identifying common phrases and keywords that potential sellers might use when discussing the possibility of selling their home. These can be based on typical signs and comments you’ve observed. Here are some example phrases:

  1. “Thinking about selling my house”
  2. “Need to sell my home”
  3. “Considering selling our home”
  4. “Home values in my area”
  5. “Selling my house quickly”
  6. “Advice on selling a home”
  7. “Struggling with mortgage payments”
  8. “Moving and need to sell”
  9. “Job relocation and selling house”
  10. “Divorce and selling home”
  11. “Downsizing and selling our house”
  12. “Home sale advice”

Set Up Google Alerts

Google Alerts will send you an email notification whenever new content matches your selected keywords. Here’s how to set them up:

  1. Go to Google Alerts: Visit Google Alerts.
  2. Create Alerts:
    • In the search box at the top, enter the phrase you want to track. For example, “Thinking about selling my house”.
    • Click on “Show options” to customize your alert settings:
      • How often: Choose “As-it-happens” to get immediate notifications.
      • Sources: Select “Blogs,” “Discussions,” and “Web” to cover a broad range of online conversations.
      • Language: Select the language most relevant to your target audience.
      • Region: If you’re focusing on a specific area, select the appropriate region.
      • How many: Choose “All results” to ensure you don’t miss any mentions.
    • Enter your email address and click “Create Alert”.
  3. Repeat for Each Phrase: Repeat the above steps for each of the identified phrases and keywords.

Monitor and Engage

Once your alerts are set up, you’ll start receiving email notifications. Here’s how to effectively monitor and engage:

  1. Check Alerts Regularly: Make it a habit to check your email for Google Alerts regularly, preferably as soon as possible after receiving them.
  2. Evaluate the Context: Not all alerts will be relevant. Quickly scan the content to ensure it’s a genuine potential lead.
  3. Engage Thoughtfully: When you find a relevant comment or post, engage thoughtfully. Here’s a suggested approach:
    • Acknowledge their Situation: “Hi [Name], I saw your post about considering selling your home. That’s a big decision, and I’d love to offer some help if you need it.”
    • Provide Value: “I can prepare a free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) for your home. It’s a detailed report that looks at similar homes in our area and their recent sale prices. It can give you a solid idea of what your home might be worth.”
    • Offer Assistance: “Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or need further assistance. I’m here to help!”

Track and Adjust

Keep track of the responses and engagements you get from these alerts. This will help you refine your strategy over time:

  1. Track Engagements: Use a simple spreadsheet or a CRM tool to log each engagement, noting the source, the potential lead’s name, and the outcome of the interaction.
  2. Adjust Phrases: Periodically review and adjust your list of phrases based on what’s working and what’s not. Add new phrases if you notice trends in the language people use.

Example Phrases for Google Alerts Setup

Here’s a list you can copy and paste into Google Alerts:

  • “Thinking about selling my house”
  • “Need to sell my home”
  • “Considering selling our home”
  • “Home values in my area”
  • “Selling my house quickly”
  • “Advice on selling a home”
  • “Struggling with mortgage payments”
  • “Moving and need to sell”
  • “Job relocation and selling house”
  • “Divorce and selling home”
  • “Downsizing and selling our house”
  • “Home sale advice”

By setting up and regularly monitoring these Google Alerts, you’ll be able to identify and engage with potential sellers quickly and effectively, positioning yourself as a helpful and knowledgeable resource.


Being observant and proactive in engaging with potential sellers can open doors to new opportunities. Listen carefully, respond professionally