Connecting with Attorneys Specializing in Bankruptcy and High Debt Clients

Real estate agent talking to a bankruptcy attorney in an office.

Learn how to use effective real estate scripts to connect with bankruptcy attorneys and increase your listings.

Real estate agents often find themselves in need of new leads and potential clients, and one underutilized method is connecting with attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy and high debt situations. These professionals frequently represent homeowners who might need to sell their homes to alleviate their financial burdens. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can use a well-crafted real estate script to reach out to these attorneys, and how this method can become a powerful tool in your lead generation arsenal.

Why Target Bankruptcy Attorneys?

Attorneys dealing with high debt and bankruptcy cases are constantly interacting with clients who may need to sell their homes quickly. By building a professional relationship with these attorneys, you can position yourself as a trusted resource for their clients, thereby increasing your potential listings. Here’s how you can approach them effectively:

The Script: Winning Over the Real Estate Attorney

Agent: Good morning, [Attorney's Name]! I hope you're doing well today. My name is [Your Name], and I'm a real estate agent specializing in helping homeowners navigate the tricky waters of high debt situations. Do you have a moment to chat?

Attorney: (Politely confirms they have a few minutes to talk.)

Agent: Great! I understand you work with homeowners who are facing significant debt challenges. That must be quite the balancing act. I admire your dedication to helping your clients find the best solutions. I'm reaching out because I believe we can be a dynamic duo in these situations—like Batman and Robin, but with fewer capes and more contracts!

Attorney: (Politely laughs, intrigued but cautious.)

Agent: Jokes aside, I know that dealing with high debt can be incredibly stressful for homeowners. My goal is to provide a smooth and supportive process for your clients if they decide that selling their home is the best option. I've successfully helped numerous clients in similar situations, and I approach each case with empathy and professionalism.

Attorney: (Expresses concern about how their clients would react to a new real estate agent.)

Agent: Absolutely, I understand that trust is paramount in these circumstances. I can provide references from past clients who were in similar situations, showcasing how we managed to turn a tough situation into a positive outcome. Plus, I make it a point to be available for any questions or concerns your clients might have—I'm basically on call, like a real estate paramedic!

Attorney: (Mentions the importance of confidentiality and professionalism.)

Agent: Confidentiality is key, and I treat it with the utmost importance. I can assure you that all interactions will be handled with the highest level of discretion and respect for your clients' privacy. My aim is to make this transition as painless as possible for them, while working hand-in-hand with you to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Attorney: (Shows interest in learning more about your approach and success rate.)

Agent: I'd love to share more details about my approach and success stories. Perhaps we could schedule a short meeting next week? I can bring along some materials and testimonials, and we can discuss how best to collaborate for the benefit of your clients. I promise, no capes required—just solid results and peace of mind for everyone involved.

Attorney: (Agrees to set up a meeting next week.)

Agent: Fantastic! I look forward to meeting with you and exploring how we can work together to help your clients. Thanks for your time today, [Attorney's Name]. Have a wonderful day!

Why This Script Works

  1. Establishes Common Ground: The script starts by acknowledging the attorney’s challenging work, immediately creating a connection. This shows respect and understanding of their role, setting a positive tone for the conversation.
  2. Mixes Professionalism with Humor: Injecting a bit of humor (“like Batman and Robin”) lightens the mood and makes the interaction more memorable. It shows that you are personable and approachable, which can help in building rapport.
  3. Highlights Experience and Empathy: By sharing that you have helped clients in similar situations, you build credibility. Emphasizing empathy reassures the attorney that you understand the sensitivity of their clients’ situations.
  4. Addresses Concerns Proactively: The script anticipates concerns about trust and confidentiality, offering solutions before the attorney even brings them up. This demonstrates foresight and reliability.
  5. Calls to Action: Ending with a suggestion to meet further solidifies your seriousness and commitment. It gives a clear next step, making it easier for the attorney to agree to continue the conversation.

How This Can Generate More Listings

Using this script as a template, you can consistently reach out to attorneys and establish fruitful partnerships. Here’s why this approach can lead to more listings:

  • Referral Network: Once you gain the trust of a few attorneys, they can refer multiple clients to you, expanding your client base.
  • Credibility and Trust: Attorneys who see you as a reliable partner are more likely to recommend you to their clients, who will trust you based on the attorney’s recommendation.
  • Focused Lead Generation: Instead of waiting for clients to come to you, you’re actively seeking out situations where homeowners are likely to need your services.
  • Expert Positioning: By specializing in high debt situations, you become the go-to expert in this niche, making it easier for clients and partners to choose you over the competition.

Putting It into Practice

To effectively use this method, here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Research and List Potential Attorneys: Identify attorneys in your area who specialize in bankruptcy and high debt cases.
  2. Customize Your Approach: Tailor the script to fit each attorney’s specific practice and clientele. Personalization can make a big difference.
  3. Follow Up: After the initial conversation, send a thank-you note or email summarizing your discussion and reiterating your availability for a meeting.
  4. Be Persistent but Respectful: If an attorney is not immediately responsive, follow up after a week or two. Persistence shows dedication, but always remain respectful of their time.

By mastering and practicing this script, you’ll be well-equipped to build strong relationships with bankruptcy attorneys, ultimately leading to more listings and a growing real estate business. Happy prospecting!


Connecting with attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy and high debt cases can be a game-changer for your real estate business. By utilizing a well-crafted script, you can establish yourself as a trustworthy, empathetic, and professional partner who attorneys can confidently refer their clients to. This strategic approach not only increases your listings but also positions you as a specialist in a niche market, making you the go-to agent for homeowners in financial distress.

Remember, the key to success lies in building genuine relationships, maintaining professionalism, and demonstrating your track record of helping clients navigate challenging situations. With persistence and the right approach, you’ll not only gain more listings but also provide valuable support to those who need it most. So, put on your metaphorical cape, and start reaching out to those attorneys—you might just become their clients’ real estate hero!

Your Thoughts

  1. How can you convey empathy and professionalism when discussing sensitive topics like high debt with potential partners?
  2. What are some ways to establish trust quickly with someone who doesn’t know you yet?
  3. How do you balance professionalism with humor to ease tension in a conversation?
  4. What strategies can you use to ensure confidentiality and professionalism are maintained?
  5. How would you handle objections or concerns about your ability to help clients in high debt situations?
  6. How can you leverage past successes to build credibility with new contacts?
  7. What steps can you take to follow up effectively after the initial conversation to build a lasting relationship?
  8. How would you tailor your pitch if the attorney expresses strong reservations or skepticism?
  9. What are some key points you would include in the materials and testimonials you bring to the follow-up meeting?
  10. How can you ensure you are genuinely offering value to both the attorney and their clients in these high debt situations?