Understanding Concessions in Real Estate: A Key to Successful Transactions

Understanding Concessions in Real Estate: A Key to Successful Transactions

Concessions are incentives offered during a real estate transaction to make a deal more appealing.

In the competitive world of real estate, both buyers and sellers are always looking for an edge to close the deal. One powerful tool that can help facilitate successful transactions is the use of concessions. But what exactly are concessions, and how can they benefit both parties involved in a real estate deal?

What are Concessions in Real Estate?

Concessions are incentives or benefits offered by one party to the other to help close a real estate transaction. These can come in various forms and can be offered by either the buyer or the seller. Here are some common examples:

  • Closing Cost Assistance: The seller agrees to pay a portion or all of the buyer’s closing costs.
  • Repairs or Upgrades: The seller agrees to make certain repairs or improvements before the sale is finalized.
  • Home Warranty: The seller provides a home warranty to cover potential repairs for a specified period.
  • Property Taxes: The seller pays a portion of the property taxes for the year.
  • HOA Fees: The seller covers a certain amount of Homeowners Association (HOA) fees.
  • Cashback at Closing: The seller offers a cash incentive at closing.
  • Furniture or Appliances: The seller includes specific furniture or appliances in the sale.
  • Buy-down Points: The seller pays to reduce the buyer’s mortgage interest rate.
  • Extended Move-in/Move-out Dates: The seller allows the buyer extra time to move in or offers to move out earlier than planned.
  • Flexible Possession Date: Adjusting the date of possession to better suit the buyer’s needs.

Benefits of Concessions for Buyers and Sellers

For Buyers:

  1. Reduced Upfront Costs: Concessions like closing cost assistance can help buyers lower their initial expenses, making it easier to afford the home.
  2. Lower Monthly Payments: Sellers paying points to buy down the interest rate can result in lower monthly mortgage payments for buyers.
  3. Move-in Ready: If the seller agrees to make repairs or upgrades, the buyer can move into a home that’s in better condition without having to spend extra money on immediate improvements.
  4. Increased Buying Power: Financial concessions can enable buyers to afford a more expensive property than they might have been able to otherwise.
  5. Less Stress: Concessions such as covering HOA fees or property taxes can ease the financial burden and reduce the stress associated with moving and settling into a new home.

For Sellers:

  1. Faster Sale: Offering concessions can make a property more attractive, leading to a quicker sale.
  2. Higher Selling Price: Sellers might be able to secure a higher overall price by offering concessions that appeal to buyers.
  3. Market Differentiation: In a competitive market, concessions can set a property apart from others, attracting more potential buyers.
  4. Smoother Negotiations: Concessions can serve as a bargaining tool, helping to resolve potential sticking points in negotiations.
  5. Meeting Buyer Needs: Addressing specific buyer concerns through concessions can lead to a more satisfactory transaction for both parties, reducing the likelihood of the deal falling through.

Using Concessions in Scripts and Dialogues

For real estate agents, effectively communicating the benefits of concessions to clients can be a game-changer. Here are some script examples to help you navigate these conversations:

Initial Consultation with Buyer

Agent: "Thanks for meeting with me today. As we start looking for your new home, it's important to know that there are various strategies we can use to make the best deal. For example, we can negotiate for concessions from the seller, like asking them to cover some of the closing costs or even include a home warranty. This can help reduce your out-of-pocket expenses and make the purchase more affordable for you."

Presenting an Offer to a Seller

Agent: "We have received an offer from a buyer who is very interested in your property. They have requested some concessions, such as a contribution towards closing costs. This is a common request and can actually help facilitate a smoother and quicker sale by making your home more attractive to buyers."

Discussing an Offer with a Buyer

Agent: "We've found a home that fits your needs perfectly. When we make an offer, we can also request some concessions from the seller. For example, we could ask them to make certain repairs or cover part of the closing costs. These concessions can make the purchase more advantageous for you and ensure you move into a home that meets your expectations without additional costs."

Negotiating During Inspection

Agent: "The home inspection revealed a few issues. This is an opportunity for us to negotiate concessions with the seller. We can request that they either fix these issues before closing or provide a credit that you can use towards repairs after you move in. This way, you won't have to handle these problems out of your own pocket."

Practical Dialogue Practice

Buyer Concern about Affordability Buyer: "I'm worried about the upfront costs of buying a home." Agent: "I understand. One way we can ease this burden is by negotiating concessions with the seller. We can request that they cover a portion of the closing costs, which would significantly reduce your initial expenses."
Seller Hesitant about Concessions Seller: "I'm not sure about offering concessions. Won't that cost me more?" Agent: "While it might seem that way, offering concessions can actually attract more buyers and potentially lead to a higher sale price. It makes your property stand out and can facilitate a quicker sale, saving you time and reducing holding costs."
Explaining Concessions to a First-time Buyer Buyer: "What exactly are concessions?" Agent: "Concessions are incentives that the seller offers to make the deal more appealing. This can include covering some of your closing costs, paying for repairs, or even buying down your mortgage interest rate. These benefits can help make your home purchase more affordable and manageable."


Concessions are a vital tool in the real estate arsenal, offering benefits to both buyers and sellers. By understanding and effectively communicating these advantages, agents can facilitate smoother transactions and help their clients achieve their real estate goals. Whether you’re a buyer looking to reduce upfront costs or a seller aiming for a quicker sale, concessions can play a pivotal role in making the deal work for everyone involved.